New wave film and evaluation



Meeting the new wave

My new wave film attempts to show the effects of the current outbreak in the style of the Australian new wave. There were limitations to creating my production in the style of the Australian new wave as two of the themes I could not use in my film, the first being sexual themes as I do not have a large budget and the current disease outbreak limits the amount of people allowed in a grouping, for the safety of the actors it was better if i chose to leave this one out. The second was violence, this was not possible as i do not have a large budget and most of the places i was using to film were public places meaning i couldn't create the kinds of scenes required for a violent film as it may come under legal issues. This meant i had to focus on the things i could do such as the importance of natural landscapes and large spaces. When creating my film i took all of the footage outside with the best camera i have however the shots from inside the house were taken on a phone, I was hoping this create the feeling of being more trapped when inside as the outside shots would be much wider and have a greater feeling of depth to them, I believe this mostly worked as their is a noticeable difference between the outside shots and the inside shots. The shots i took in the footage were designed to look dreamlike compared to the inside shots and i believe i achieved this however a lot of the footage does look quite washed out by over exposure.

What went well
When reviewing the footage and the editing i like how the song i chose suits the sombre tone I was trying to show and i think i did i good job of creating a short narrative of the current feeling of the world being trapped inside. The shots i was trying to take were pretty good and most of them were consistent with what i was trying to do. In editing i think i matched a lot of the videos and images  i had pretty well and it came out looking how I imagined it would. I think that the music i added gives the video a slight war theme which links back to the Australian new wave and their war movie history. I also used the military posters to hint towards this as well due to the fact that the way the speech sounded was like an announcement of war.

What went wrong
Finding time to shoot the footage was hard as me and the crew had different days off and weren't always around when we needed to be so next time i would start gathering footage earlier with the crew i have. The day that we chose to shoot was also very windy which made it hard to hear each other as there wasn't much cover in the park that i filmed in so choosing a better day to shoot in the future would be more ideal. The lighting when i chose to shoot was excessively bright because of the winter sun being brighter this meant that it was quite difficult to see at times and also completely whited out some of the shots i had taken. To remedy these issues i would plan more extensively and also look at the weather for the times i plan on shooting at so that i won't be caught by surprise by the change in weather.

There is a lot i could improve on in my filming techniques but overall i believe the film came out quite well and it achieved the goal of showing how people wish to be back out in nature as well as showing the landscape of the world that we live in.


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